50 Powerful Financial Affirmations for Manifesting Money!

Do you know what the number one killer of dreams is? Doubt! But manifesting money is possible if you have the faith to believe. These financial affirmations will give you daily to-do tips that will help you get your butt into action! 

The Law of Attraction is the belief that positive thoughts bring positive experiences, and negative thoughts bring negative results.

Too often our desire to make money is killed by the thought — “I’ll never be successful and I’m wasting my time.” Do you know how many opportunities I’ve missed because of that? You cannot let self-doubt and limiting beliefs about money hold you back from earning what you want to!

This website would not exist if I let myself be bogged down by that negative thought. It took me MONTHS to bring my dream to fruition, but it happened!

So let these statements remind you… It’s possible and you aren’t wasting your time!

Financial Affirmations to Manifest Money

This post may contain affiliate links as a way to support the costs of this website (at no additional cost to you); however, I won’t recommend products I don’t believe in. View my full disclosure at the bottom of the page.

Manifestations For Money

This list of money affirmations will help you keep your eye on the prize. Dream big, and never give up without giving it your best.

Positive Thinking to Attract Money

There are many different ways to attract money. What gives these affirmations for prosperity and financial abundance power is your belief in them. Fuel that fire!

Financial Freedom Affirmation
  • I am destined to be successful.
  • I am passionate about my goals and nothing can stop me.
  • The world is waiting on me to be successful.
  • I am not a fake or imposter. I was made to be creative and make money!
  • The ability to earn more money is within my grasp.
  • I am successful with money and personal relationships.
  • Financial freedom is not just a dream, it will be my reality.
  • I am one step closer to my financial goals.
  • Manifesting money is easy because I’m ready to put in the work.
  • I will be debt-free. My savings will continue to grow and I will be financially secure.
  • I am not greedy, I just want to make money to live comfortably and financially free.
  • I will be grateful for every cent or compliment that I get.
  • God has given me insight into manifesting money. I just need to believe and act.
  • There is money all around me; I just have to grab it.
  • I will be healthy, wealthy, and happy.
Six examples of financial affirmation cards
Transform your money mindset with our printable financial affirmation cards! Manifest abundance and prosperity one affirmation at a time. Download yours today!

Positive Affirmations for Money-Making Ventures

Do you have an idea for a business you’d like to start? Don’t let doubt hold you back from manifesting it! Don’t listen to the nay-sayers, do your research, and go get that money! These financial affirmations will help you stay positive as you go.

Biblical financial affirmation
  • I have world-changing ideas.
  • I am ready to make my financial goals and dreams a reality.
  • I will start my goals today.
  • God is waiting to bless me and I need to act.
  • I will write down my money-making ideas.
  • Today, I will research the steps to accomplish my ideas.
  • Today, I will set a desired end date for my project.
  • I am a magnet that can attract money in any endeavor I undertake.
  • I will research my competition or people doing similar things to me, to see their strategies.
  • I will organize all my great ideas so I don’t feel overwhelmed.
  • Investing in my ideas will have a reward later.
  • I created a budget. I know how much I can invest in my business.
  • I’m a hard worker and I won’t quit.
  • I like challenges because they will help me to be a stronger businesswoman/man later on.
  • I will not leave anything that can be done today, for tomorrow.
  • I will balance my time and ensure that money doesn’t come before family.
  • I will research and search for people that can give me advice and tips.
  • I will ask for help or pay someone to do things that take away my creative time.
  • I won’t invest money in things I don’t do complete research on.
  • I will focus on today and not worry about tomorrow.
  • I will believe that my ideas are important to the world. Someone is waiting for my ideas.
  • I will not spend money on things that are not necessary.
  • I am excited to start and finish my money-making goals.
  • I will keep my ideas simple. My idea doesn’t need to be flashy, it needs to be useful to
  • Someone.
  • I don’t follow “get rich” quick schemes. I work hard and I’m patiently working toward my goals.
  • I will not spend more than I have or before I get in the money in hand.
Abundance check sample with gold border
The famous actor, Jim Carrey also believes in money manifestations. He manifested his first 10 million dollars by writing a check to himself for “acting services rendered” and dated it for 10 years later. In that time, he received a movie role that earned him fame and 10 million dollars! Check out these blank abundance checks if you would like to make your own.

Money Mantras for Defeating Negativity

Don’t let anyone, not even yourself, kill your dreams. Practice these positive mantras in times of uncertainty.

Positive affirmation for success
  • I’m not trying to please everyone but I’m building my unique group of supporters and followers.
  • I can achieve anything I put my mind to. I will not let anything stop me from having financial abundance.
  • I refuse to listen to negative advice.
  • I will get therapy if my emotions are getting in the way of my money.
  • I will stop shaming myself and saying, “I’m lazy.“
  • I will keep an open mind and consider suggestions even if they seem unrealistic or out of my comfort zone.
  • I will never be broke again. I know what needs to be done and how to do it.
  • I will listen to suggestions, but I won’t let them stop my fire.
  • Every critique is a chance to improve. I will use both positive and negative comments to adapt and increase my wealth.

Prosperous Thinking – In All Areas!

As you take these positive steps on your financial journey, remember to:

  1. Dream
  2. Believe
  3. Achieve

By creating a positive money mindset, you can gain prosperity. 

If you need help to get over the hurdles and gain the self-confidence needed, try out this FREE 20-minute empowerment coaching.

Empowerment Coaching

Use this 50-card deck of positive reinforcements as daily reminders to keep a positive mindset.

Positive affirmation card deck for adults

This great card deck is available for purchase on the Adorned Heart website or you can buy it on Etsy. It would also make a great gift for your friends or loved ones!


What does it mean to manifest money?

To manifest money is to bring about physical money by deeply believing in it. It’s making your dreams into a reality.

Can you really manifest money?

You can really manifest money by affirming that it will happen and taking the steps to get there. The money may not get manifested fast, but you have to keep going.

What colors attract money?

Based on Feng Shui, water is an element of abundance. It is expressed with blues and black.

What is the most powerful affirmation?

I think that any affirmation is powerful if you truly believe in it. It’s your belief that gives it power

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